Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kem Rekreasi Pulau Tali Kail, Temenggor Royal Belum

Sebuah kem rekreasi yang terletak di sebuah pulau yang boleh menampung seramai 110 orang peserta pada satu masa.

amat sesuai untuk aktiviti perkhemahan dan kem motivasi serta team building.
Jarak hanya 15 minit perjalanan bot dari jeti Pulau Banding.

Kemudahan yang disediakan ialah
Sebuah jeti pendaratan.
Chalets Deluxe 2 unit 2 orang + 2 orang
Chalet A 5 unit 10 orang
Rumah Kampung 2 unit 3 0rang + 3 orang
Tapak perkhemahan 30 unit 30 orang
Dormitory 2 unit 15 orang + 15 orang

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kem Pelancongan Sungai Kenarong

Satu Kem Pelancongan baru di Sungai Kenarong telah siap dibina pada 6 Januari 2012. Kem sungai kenarong terletak kira-kira 30 minit dari jeti banding dengan menaiki bot.
Kemudahan-kemudahan terdiri daripada

• 2 unit chalet,
• 4 unit rumah pondok,
• 2 unit ‘dorm’,
• 1 unit wakaf,
• 1 unit dewan makan,
• 1 unit dapur,
• 1 unit tempat BBQ,
• 1 unit stor ganerator,
• 8 unit bilik mandi
• 7 unit tandas.

Kem Pelancongan Sg.Papan

Kem Pelancongan Sg.Papan

Foto: Kosmo
Jenut Papan terletak kira-kira 20 minit perjalanan dengan menaiki bot dari Pulau Banding. Kawasan ini juga merupakan salah satu daripada tarikan pelancongan di Royal Belum kerana terdapat 2 jenut iaitu Jenut Papan Utara dan Jenut Papan Selatan. Di antara kemudahan-kemudahan yang ada di kawasan ini ialah :
Jenut @ Salt Lick Sg Papan
• Wakaf - 1 unit
• Tandas - 4 unit
• Bilik Mandi - 2 unit
• Jambatan Gantung - 2 unit
• Bumbun - 1 unit
• Pos Kawalan, Pejabat, Kedai – 1 unit

Satu Kem Pelancongan baru di Sungai Kenarong telah siap dibina pada 6 Januari 2012. Kem sungai kenarong terletak kira-kira 30 minit dari jeti banding dengan menaiki bot.
Kemudahan-kemudahan terdiri daripada

• 2 unit chalet,
• 4 unit rumah pondok,
• 2 unit ‘dorm’,
• 1 unit wakaf,
• 1 unit dewan makan,
• 1 unit dapur,
• 1 unit tempat BBQ,
• 1 unit stor ganerator,
• 8 unit bilik mandi
• 7 unit tandas.

Pakej Perkhemahan / Team Building Royal Belum

Pakej Perkhemahan / Team Building Kem Sungai Kejar Royal Belum
Keselamatan diutamakan dalam aktiviti River Tubing

30-50 orang peserta sahaja bagi pengisian maksimum.
2 Hari 1 Malam  RM285 seorang
3 Hari 2 Malam  RM385 seorang
Penginapan di Kem Taman Negeri Royal Belum

Pakej meliputi
A) Penginapan di Kem Taman Negeri Royal Belum
B) Makan dan Minum
C) Lawatan ke  Perkampungan Orang Asli
D) Jungle Tracking
E) Survival Series
F) River Tubing / Fasilitator / Bot

Yahoo... Gooo..ggle

Pakej Royal Belum House Boat.

Pakej Team Building Royal Belum House Boat. 
Boat Setingkat 15-20 orang
Boat Dua Tingkat 15-35 orang

'Houseboat' (3hari 2mlm)
RM430/pax (min 15org/max 25org)
Pakej termasuk:
-makan/minum 5x sehari
-makan istimewa
-3 bot laju
-2 aktiviti/hari
Aktiviti pakej 1
*bunga raflesia
*melawat sira/jenut
*'waterfall' /santuari ikan kelah
*melawat kg org asli
*Water confident

'Houseboat' (2 hari 1 malam)
RM 300/pax (min 15 org /max 25 org)

Pakej termasuk :
-makan /minum
-3 bot laju
Aktiviti pakej 2
*bunga raflesia
*melawat kg org asli
*jenut / sira

Pakej meliputi: 
A) Lawatan Perkampungan Orang Asli Royal Belum.
B) Lawatan Ke Kawasan Bunga Reflessia  Royal Belum.
C) Jungle Tracking Royal Belum.
D) Santuari Ikan Kelah Royal Belum
E) Air Terjun Royal Belum
F) Makan/minum.
G) Bot kecil untuk kegunaan memancing dan mendarat.

Caj Tambahan:
1) Permit RM15 seorang. Sila hantar salinan KP  dalam fail PDF semua peserta sekurang-kurangnya 3 hari sebelum hari kejadian.
Nama : Ali Bin Abu
Kad Pengenalan : 123456-12-1234
No Telefon : 01234567890
Alamat : No. 30, Taman Gerik, Gerik, Perak

2) Upah Tour Guide RM150 sehari.
3) Upah Jurumudi bot RM150 sehari

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kuala Sepetang lost in time

Kuala Sepetang lost in time

IPOH: THERE is almost nothing Kuala Sepetang has in common with New Zealand except for the fact that the town is formerly known as Port Weld.
Port Weld is named after Sir Frederick Weld, who was at one stage of his illustrious career the sixth premier of New Zealand.
Among his other notable political achievements, Weld was also the 14th governor of the Straits Settlements. His portfolio included being the eighth governor of Western Australia and the fourth governor of Tasmania.
Today his name has been washed into oblivion by the tides of Malaysian history. What stands in its place is Kuala Sepetang and the descendants of the Chinese fishermen who settled down here hundreds of years ago.
If not for some famished members of my family who desired something fresh from the waters of Kuala Sepetang, I would have bypassed the town, which lies kilometres deep in the sprawling district.
This town is a fishing village situated way off the main trunk road that separates Simpang and Taiping.
As it was my experience for at least four decades, I had never ventured further than Simpang at the junction of Taiping. But destiny intervened recently, and I found myself looking at names of places that sounded vaguely familiar.
Kuala Sepetang (then Port Weld) stamped its mark in Malaysian history in 1885 when it shared a common railway line with Taiping. At that time, tin was transported by train from Taiping to Port Weld, before it was shipped to Penang.
In the 1980s, the railway line was discontinued. Today, what remains is just a sign in four languages that says "Port Weld" and some signs that there was once a railway line here.
Kuala Sepetang today has a small measure of fame concerning seafood. Unless you are really very hungry or just plain curious, you wouldn't go out of the way to visit the coastal village.
The roads here are narrow but there are signs that development has been creeping up on Kuala Sepetang. Some roads are so cluttered that it would be more appropriate to describe them as lanes and back alleys.
The restaurant that leapt out of a Google search was Kedai Makanan Tepi Sungai. Luck abandoned us that day because the eatery was closed.
We quickly resorted to Plan B, and that was to locate another restaurant. However, the way to the alternative eatery was through some very tight passages and several times, I had to reverse the car to avoid an oncoming vehicle.
Kuala Sepetang is not exactly the best example of a developing town. It was evident that cleanliness was not a top priority in this fishing village that poses as a town during the day.
Meanwhile, hunger pangs began to trouble us. Luckily, I spotted the Makanan Laut Kang Kao restaurant and decided to eat there.
The restaurant looks fairly new, and sits on the first floor of the Hoon Teong Fish Dealers jetty. The views from the restaurant are similar to those in Pasir Penambang, Kuala Selangor.
After satisfying ourselves with six dishes of seafood, the entire family decided to explore the town.
Boys were playing on rickety walkways and fishing boats with scantily clad fishermen were sailing in and out of designated spots.
It was Kuala Sepetang at its coastal best. City residents would relish such sights which were conspicuously absent from Kuala Lumpur's urban jungle.
The town was befuddling in terms of logistics. The infrastructure was a tad sad, and passing visitors would have a hard time identifying any famous structure. To our utter shame, we got lost in a very small town.
In fact, it was after the humbling experience of seeking directions from a few residents that we found the grub we had all been seeking after.
The seafood at Kang Kao restaurant, in a nutshell, was average. However, the restaurant on the ground floor has five-star views, with its open verandah and wide windows.
Most of us holiday-starved KL-ites are thrilled by sea birds, sampans and medium-sized trawlers. These are plentiful in Kuala Sepetang, a town that is gradually building its eco-tourism on its mangrove forest, sea eagles, charcoal kilns, passing dolphins and, to a small measure, mee udang.
Many Malaysians will never visit Kuala Sepetang in their lifetime.
But about 60 years ago, Taiping had a strong connection with Kuala Sepetang. The Chinese on both sides of the main trunk road spoke, and still speak, mainly Hokkien. The district of Larut, Matang and Selama has a population of more than 330,000, and Kuala Sepetang has a fraction of that total.
The administrative district of Larut, Matang and Selama covers 18 towns and smaller districts. Kuala Sepetang is among them.
The entire area of Larut, Matang and Selama is about 2,000 sq km. A friend told me that Kuala Sepetang has a reputation for its curry mee. I thought that was rather presumptuous because it is well known that Ipoh is the undisputed "king of curry mee".
The other rumour which is yet to be verified is that the Kuala Sepetang pau is really something. Since my sojourn in this fishing village was short, I didn't have the opportunity to sample the Kuala Sepetang pau.
But rest assured, on a later return visit, I will definitely add that culinary suggestion to my checklist.
Meanwhile, Kuala Sepetang is in the twilight of its heyday. It is no longer a jewel in the district of Larut, Matang and Selama. For that matter, Kuala Sepetang is not even an attractive cousin of nearby Taiping.
But there may come a time when this largely ignored coastal village shines again.

Read more: Kuala Sepetang lost in time - Central - New Straits Times

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2014 Ella Ft LimKokWingStudent.MP4

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Take a walk down beautiful Malaysia
Feel the fresh air enjoy the blue skies
The best place to be for you and me
Malaysia Truly Asia

Celebrating 1Malaysia
Enjoy new experiences
People smiling, sharing, caring
The best place to be

Selamat Datang ke Malaysia
Selamat Datang ke Malaysia
Celebrating 1Malaysia

Heart's pumping to the drums of 1Malaysia
Fun, Joy and laughter everywhere
The best place to be

Selamat Datang Ke Malaysia

In the jungles, up the hills
At the beaches, in the cities
Different cultures all the people
Celebrating 1Malaysia

Selamat Datang ke Malaysia
Selamat Datang ke Malaysia
Celebrating 1Malaysia

Celebrating 1Malaysia
Celebrating 1Malaysia
Celebrating 1Malaysia
1Malaysia, for you and me

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
The best place to be
Malaysia Truly Asia

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Profil Syarikat KS Eco Trading

Telefon: 012 514 5023
Ruj. Tuan :
Ruj Kami : KSET/2014/(___ )
                                                                                                                Tarikh :         
Yang Berkenaan.

Dengan segala hormatnya izinkan kami merujuk tuan kepada perkara di atas 
2. Kuala Sepetang Eco Track ialah sebuah syarikat bumiputera yang menjalankan Program Kesedaran Alam terutamanya berkaitan dengan Hutan Paya Laut di Kuala Sepetang, Kuala Gula, Taiping,  Bukit Merah, Kuala Kangsar dan Lenggong. Bagi tahun 2014 pihak kami akan menganjurkan program di Taman Negara Pahang dan Royal Belum. Mula menjalankan perniagaan pada tahun 2011 dan sudah mengendalikan pelbagai program kesedaran alam yang boleh di akses melalui laman web: 
3. Sekiranya pihak tuan  berminat dengan program kesedaran alam yang kami anjurkan. Pihak tuan boleh menghubungi kami bagi mengadakan perbincangan lanjut.
Khairul Salleh Ahmad Tel 012 514 5023
atau Maria Lisa bt  Sabtu Tel 012 436 3272
4. Pihak kami sangat mementingkan kelestarian alam sekitar dan tidak menyediakan sebarang bungkusan makanan yang akan mencemarkan alam sekitar. 
Kerjasama dan tindakan tuan terlebih dahulu kami ucapkan terima kasih.


Yang menjalankan tugas,

Khairul Salleh bin Ahmad
Maklumat Syarikat : Syarikat KS Eco Trading 
No. Pendaftaran : PG0461284-H
Visi Syarikat Memberikan perkhidmatan tulus ikhlas bagi mengekalkan kelestarian  alam sekitar dan mengerakkan kempen pemuliharan alam.
Alamat Pejabat : 230, Jalan Bukit 8, Kampung Tersusun Bukit Jana, 34600 KAMUNTING, Taiping, Perak.
Laman Web :
Jenis Perniagaan : Program Lawatan Alam Sekitar, Kem Motivasi, Rumah Penginapan, Pengurusan Majlis dan Acara, Pembersihan Bangunan dan Kawasan, Katering, Sewa Khemah, Sewa set audio dan Video, Lanskap, dan wakil  komisen am.
Bank : Affin Bank
Nombor Akaun  
Aug 05, 2011 Travelling again this weekend... to one obscure place - Kpg Dew, near Taiping, to check out fireflies along Sg Sepetang. Last weekend, was in one of my favourite places, Merang in Terengganu, and cruised Sg Mangkuk to ...
Dec 27, 2011 Christophe Masnou Testimonial. Dear Amirul, A big thank you to you! We had a great time in Taiping. My daughters and us enjoyed the wedding ceremony. We are very grateful to meet you and your family. All the best and ...
Oct 31, 2011 Thanks for the email, and also a great big thanks for your hospitality during our stay in Sepetang. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves on your tour, just unfortunate about the bad weather,. We will recommend your tour to all of ...
Jan 15, 2012 Sharon Ng-Chan Testimonial. Hi Khairul! Sorry for this delayed reply. Very busy with prep for CNY. Thanks for the four pics of Christove and his family attending a Malay wedding. They found it most interesting and very ...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pakej Memancing Laut Dalam Kuala Sepetang

Kuala Sepetang Eco Tourism menawarkan pakej memancing laut dalam di Selat Melaka kepada kaki-kaki pancing dari Malaysia dan Singapura.

Harga: RM1700 bagi pakej 2 hari 1 malam atau RM270 seorang. Aktiviti bermula jam 8 pagi hari pertama dan berakhir jam 6 hari kedua.
Bot: Sebuah bot pancing dengan kemudahan sonar, dapur, kabin aircond dan tandas.

Sesuai untuk yang datang berkumpulan atau untuk bersantai bersama keluarga.
Sementara ayah sibuk memancing ikan-ikan besar. Ibu dan anak pula boleh mencandat sotong dan memancing menggunakan appolo.

Firefly @ Kampung Dew

Video Kelip-kelip Kg Dew, Sg Sepetang, Taiping Perak.

Thursday, January 9, 2014



Pra Program
Taklimat pra perkhemahan semasa perjumpaan peserta

Hari Pertama
2.00 pm –2.30 pm   Pendaftaran dan Taklimat
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm   Aktiviti Memasang Khemah dan Solat Asar
4. 30 pm – 6.30 pm   Riadah
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm   Rehat, Makan Malam, Solat Maghrib dan Solat Isyak / Moral
8. 00 pm – 9.00 pm   Ice Breaking
9. 00 pm – 10.00 pm  LDK 1 – Peranan Seorang Pemimpin
10.00 pm – 11.00 pm  LDK 2 – Membuat Bendera Kumpulan
11.00 pm -11.30 pm   Minum Malam
11. 30 pm – 5.00 am   Selamat Malam Malaysia

Hari Kedua
5.00 am– 6.00 am   Solat Subuh / Moral
6.00 am – 7.00 am   Senaman Pagi 
7.00 am – 8.00 am   Persiapan Diri dan Sarapan Pagi
8.00 am – 10.00 am   LDK 2: Born To Be A Leader
10.00 am – 10.30 am  Minum Pagi
10.30 am --12.30 pm  LDK 3 – Treasure Hunt
12.30 pm - 2.00 pm   Makan Tengah Hari & Solat Zuhur

2.00 pm – 4. 00 pm   LDK 4 – Masakan Rimba

4.00 pm – 4.30 pm   Minum Petang dan  Solat Asar
4.30 pm – 6.30 pm   Halangan Komando

6.30 pm – 8.00 pm   Persiapan Diri, Makan Malam, Solat Maghrib dan Solat Isyak / Moral

8.00 pm – 10.00 pm   Malam Ekspresi Seni

10.00 pm - 10.30 pm  Barbeque
10. 30 pm – 5.00 am  Selamat Malam Malaysia

Hari Ketiga
5.00 am– 6.00 am   Solat Subuh / Moral

6.00 am – 7.30 am   Senaman Pagi
7.30 am – 8.00 am   Sarapan
8.00 am – 10.00 am  Majlis Penutupan Program 
                               Penyampaian Hadiah Kem Kepimpinan 

10.00 am -  12.00 pm  Break Camp

12.00 pm   Bersurai