Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fabulous Fireflies

“Fabulous Fireflies!”
4 of 5 stars Reviewed 6 May 2015
We arranged our booking over the phone as I had found a number for Khairul on the kualasepetang.com website whilst doing some research. As far as I could find, this was the only way to pre-book so hesitantly went ahead. No pre-payment necessary, but it was a bit more costly as there were only 2 of us to split the cost between. However, it was totally worth it-to see these amazing creatures in the wild and to be shown by someone local, who truly has a passion for these wonderful little creatures, and the environment around. Despite my reservations to begin with, the tour was very well organised and we were met at the toll plaza and shown the way to go. It is amazing how close you are to amazing wildlife when only a few minutes before were on a very busy motorway!

As far as the amount of fireflies is concerned (I know a number of reviews i read commented on low numbers in other places) the were trees full - twinkling away, whilst Khairul told us all about them!

A wonderful way to spend an evening - and even better to support local people with a great attitude to the environment :)
Visited April 2015
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